#AssetStore #unity #unity3d #new #asset #gamedev #indiedev #GameContentShopper



Please Note

This entry is from Monday November 20, 2023. The price of the asset may have changed since then.
Please visit our homepage for recent offers and sales. Official and private Unity Asset Store™ sales usually last about 14 days.



This pack includes 42 modular prefabs (keels, schassi, wings, engines, cabin, gun and other parts etc.) for creating different sci-fi space ships.


● 42 modular prefabs;

● 8K PBR atlas textures (albedo, specular, normal, occlusion, emission), 1 set for all parts;

● different modular animations;

● 3 material set (green paint, black paint, chrome);

● 10 constructed ships (multi-prefab);

● 30828 tris total for all meshes (42 prefabs).

SpaceCraft 2 HERE

Use snap [ V ] for construct.