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Try the ProCrawler WebGL demo!

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This first-person grid-crawling character controller is a close rendition of the way you move, turn and freelook around like in the popular "blobber" genre remakes like Legend of Grimrock, Vaporum and StarCrawlers. 

Everything is fully tweakable, animations can be curved any way you like.

  • Move and turn on a grid in first person.
  • Smoothly animated or in classic grid-snapping fashion.
  • Mouse freelook which smoothly recenters to nearest heading.
  • Fully customizable, all timing and camera values easily tweakable.
  • All animations (move, turn, headbob, bump, look-center) curvable.
  • High-quality feel: view is properly off-center, continuous stepping is butter-smooth, every movement is animatable, stays on the grid no matter what.
  • Works with any grid size! Demo grid is 5x5 units, non-square grids (eg 3.16x2.97) work too.
  • Grid position and 4-directional heading accessible as properties.
  • Professionally engineered, readable, efficient C# code.
  • Mouse & Keyboard only (for now).

Did you know? Every modern crawler has the point of view (camera) off-center! That's why other grid-crawler controllers don't feel right (including StarCrawlers). ProCrawler supports both centered and non-centered viewpoints with an offset slider.

You can find all the gritty details in the online manual.

Try the ProCrawler WebGL demo!

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