
Luís Pedro Fonseca

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This entry is from Friday March 17, 2023. The price of the asset may have changed since then.
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- Over 20 Extensions and Triggers!

- The #1 MODULAR 2D camera solution

- ZERO OVERHEAD on unused features

- FULLY DOCUMENTED and 100% source available

- Hundreds of reviews with an average 5-STAR RATING

- REGULAR UPDATES with new features and fixes

- BATTLE-TESTED on all Unity supported platforms and used on many well-known games 

ProCamera2D is a plugin for Unity that allows you to quickly set-up a camera for any kind of 2D game. It supports all 3 axes (XY, XZ and YZ) and also orthographic or perspective cameras so it works great for all types of 2D & 2.5D games. It’s been built from the ground-up with a strong focus on performance and extensibility, meaning you can use it on all platforms (including older mobile phones) and if for some reason the included extensions/triggers don’t entirely fit your game you can easily extend it to fit your needs.