This entry is from Thursday May 18, 2023. The price of the asset may have changed since then. Please visit our homepage for recent offers and sales. Official and private Unity Asset Store™ sales usually last about 14 days.
Modular prisoners low poly models
in the project, 6 full bodies, a 6 bodys for a T-shirt and a naked torso, a 5 heads
7 body color textures and 2 normal textures (normal and bodybuilder)
52 face blendshapes for facial animation
you can add your own tattoos on the body (in the places of the seam will be cut out, keep in mind) the tattoo addition system is voracious keep in mind
you can add a different number to the form, you will only need a texture with numbers
you can change colors and textures on basic clothes (like stripes), by changing the color, you can make a type of work clothes example
a bodybuilder can only be in a tank top (sleeveless which) or a bare torso
you can remove the inscriptions on clothes (prisoner)