#AssetStore #unity #unity3d #new #asset #gamedev #indiedev #GameContentShopper



Please Note

This entry is from Tuesday December 19, 2023. The price of the asset may have changed since then.
Please visit our homepage for recent offers and sales. Official and private Unity Asset Store™ sales usually last about 14 days.



- new Input System package

- Cinemachine package




rig|Skill 1

rig|Skill 2

rig|Skill 3

rig|Skill 4

rig|Normal Attack 1

rig|Normal Attack 2


44 Materials

7 URP Shaders


Character: Verts: 28688 ,Tris: 35736

groundcrackrocks - Verts: 271, Tris: 399

Lazer - Verts: 66, Tris: 64

Razor - Verts: 474, Tris: 312

Slash - Verts: 156, Tris: 136

SurrounderEffect - Verts: 440, Tris: 432

Sword - Verts: 1150, Tris: 1604

CharacterSelectionGroundMesh - Verts: 36, Tris: 28


Body - Resolution: 2048x2048

Cape - Resolution: 1024x1024

Staff - Resolution: 512x512

weapon Circle Effect - Resolution: 1024x1024

Wings - Resolution: 1024x1024

WingsEffect - Resolution: 1024x1024

Flare - Resolution: 512x512

GlowOrb - Resolution: 1024x1024

topbotgradient - Resolution: 512x512

BackgroundView - Resolution: 2048x1024

CharacterSelectionGround - Resolution: 1024x1024

Clouds - Resolution: 512x512

FullMask - Resolution: 512x512

Normal Attack - Resolution: 107x111

Skill 1 Icon - Resolution: Resolution: 512x512

Skill 2 Icon - Resolution: Resolution: 512x512

Skill 3 Icon - Resolution: Resolution: 512x512

Skill 4 Icon - Resolution: Resolution: 512x512

Dead Icon - Resolution: Resolution: 512x512

UI_Circle - Resolution: 1024x1024

UI_Circle_Faded - Resolution: 2048x2048

Normal AttackExplosionCircle - Resolution: 1024x1024

Orb - Resolution: 1024x1024

SmokeTrail - Resolution: 1024x512

Trail - Resolution: 512x512

Circle - Resolution: 512x512

Explosion - Resolution: 1024x1024

Ground Explosion - Resolution: 1024x1024

GroundCrack - Resolution: 1024x1024

HolyLight - Resolution: 512x512

Razor - Resolution: 512x512

SurrounderEffect - Resolution: 1024x1024

GroundCrack - Resolution: 1024x1024

FireRocksEmission - Resolution: 1024x1024

FireRocks - Resolution: 1024x1024

Spark - Resolution: 128x128

Trail - Resolution: 1024x1024

Wave - Resolution: 1024x1024

Orb - Resolution: 1024x1024

RingFlame - Resolution: 1024x1024

Rune - Resolution: 1024x1024

Smoke - Resolution: 1024x1024

Sword Ground Hit - Resolution: 1024x1024

Sword - Resolution: 1024x1024

SwordExplosion - Resolution: 1024x1024

Flare - Resolution: 1024x1024

Orb - Resolution: 1024x1024

RollingStars - Resolution: 1024x1024

Symbol - Resolution: 1024x1024

Trail - Resolution: 1024x1024