New since v3.1.20: This asset now requires the free "2D Sprite" package for setting up the tool (available through the Unity Package manager under Unity Registry)
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The easiest way to display dynamic button prompts in your games!
Bindings of Input Action Assets (new Input System) can be displayed as sprites in Sprite Renderers, UI Images and TextMeshPro texts, or as a special SDF font with characters for all keys/buttons in TMPro texts.
This package contains Keyboard and Gamepad Sprites Vol1 for free.
Support for:
- Keyboard (QWERTY, QWERTZ and AZERTY with fallback to QWERTY)
- Controllers (XBox, PS3, PS4, PS5, NSwitchPro)
- Mobile devices (Android and iOS)
Displayed sprites can automatically update when the user switches devices (from keyboard to gamepad and vice versa).
Rebinding prefabs provide players with the option to rebind their keys/buttons.
- Easily display bindings in
- Sprite Renderers and UI Images
- TextMeshPro texts as sprites along with other text
- TextMeshPro texts as an SDF font
- Full control over which binding to display by selecting the control scheme, composite type (composite, non-composite), binding type (Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward, Backward), and index of available bindings matching the chosen settings. Options are seperate for keyboard and gamepad in advanced prompt mode.
- Automatically updates displayed icons when the user switches devices
- Local Multiplayer Games are supported (some coding might be required to assign devices, helper methods and examples available)
- Multiple users on one device
- Each user with a seperate device
- Rebind prefabs allow players to rebind and save/load the overrides (single bindings and Up/Down/Left/Right +/Forward/Backward composites)
- Supports keyboard and gamepad inputs, including Steam Input and mobile devices (Android and iOS)
- 1200+ sprites: 5 keyboard and 2 gamepad sprite sets per controller type (XBox, PS3, PS4, PS5 and NSwitchPro) included. Size per sprite: 256x256px
Setup: The setup is short and can be done with a few clicks through the custom setup window in Tools -> Input Icons -> Input Icons Setup.
- Use the II_SpritePrompt, II_ImagePrompt or II_TextPrompt components to display the action/binding you want by dragging the action into the inspector and adjusting the display settings.
- The II_TextPrompt component replaces instances of <inputaction> with sprites in TMPro texts. (The tag <inputaction> can be customized)
- Easily add mobile support by using the II_ImagePromptMobileOverride, II_SpritePromptMobileOverride and II_TextPromptMobileOverride components
- Also possible yet not as feature-rich: In TMPro components, type in <style=actionmap/action> to display bindings without the need for additional components (display options are limited using this method)
Rebinding: The included rebinding prefabs allow players to rebind their keys/buttons. Rebound actions can be automatically saved between sessions. The prefabs are customizable and support rebinding for either keys/mouse, gamepad, or the currently used device.
Customization: The displayed sprites are stored in Scriptable Objects, allowing for easy customization by changing the data and creating a new Sprite Asset with the click of a button.
Additionally the manager Scriptable Object provides many options for customization like preferred start device, gamepad priority and much more.
Documentation: A 30+ pages guide, explaining the setup process and the usage of the tool in detail is available in the main folder of the asset.
Displayed icons in text use the TMP sprite tag and are therefore compatible with other text manipulating assets like Text Animator
Useful links: