#AssetStore #unity #unity3d #new #asset #gamedev #indiedev #GameContentShopper



Please Note

This entry is from Monday December 18, 2023. The price of the asset may have changed since then.
Please visit our homepage for recent offers and sales. Official and private Unity Asset Store™ sales usually last about 14 days.


All elements are hand-painted and perfect fit for RPG and MMO games.This GUI includes all the basic elements for the game interface in this genre, such as: menu, options, hp/mana/energy bars, inventory, buttons, trade, spellbook, shop, quest, bot panel and e.t.c.


- GUI elements and UI icons PNG (64x...x2048 pix. transparent background);

- PSD files (leyered bars).

- Hero Silhouette (1024x2048 pix.).

Disclaimer :

Some of the shown icons (skill, amor, resouce, rune) are not included. You can find them here: 6000 Fantasy Icons;

This is only skin, but not at coded interface.

Classic RPG UI 2

More UI icons;

More Runes;

Contact: ponetisup@gmail.com

Version 1.1:

+ Special frames;

+ 4 UI icons.