#AssetStore #unity #unity3d #new #asset #gamedev #indiedev #GameContentShopper



Please Note

This entry is from Thursday August 10, 2023. The price of the asset may have changed since then.
Please visit our homepage for recent offers and sales. Official and private Unity Asset Store™ sales usually last about 14 days.


This pack is a collection of these individual packages:

Animated WW2 Characters

Animated WW2 Weapons #1

Animated WW2 Weapons #2

Included in the package:

1. Animated WW2 Characters


- 10 Assault Soldiers

- 4 Snipers

- 4 Officers

- 2 Anti-Tank Infantry

• Animations:

- Idle (4 versions depending on characters, including UnarmedIdle)

- MoveFore (3 versions, including UnarmedMove)

- MoveRight

- MoveLeft

- MoveBack

- StrafeRight

- StrafeLeft

- StepRight

- StepLeft

- Run (2 versions, including UnarmedRun)

- RunRight

- RunLeft

- IncoverRight

- IncoverLeft

- Fidget

- Wave

- Vault

- Kick

- Punch

- Toss

- Fire

- Reload

- UnarmedDeath

- ImpactFore

- ImpactRight

- ImpactLeft

- ImpactBack

- CrouchDown

- CrouchGetUp

- CrouchIdle (2 versions)

- CrouchRollDown

- CrouchRollUp

- CrouchMoveFore

- CrouchMoveRight

- CrouchMoveLeft

- CrouchMoveBack

- CrouchRunFore

- CrouchWave

- CrouchToss

- CrouchFire

- CrouchReload

- CrouchImpactFore

- CrouchImpactRight

- CrouchImpactLeft

- CrouchImpactBack

- InChairSit

- InChairIdle

- InChairGetUp

- LadderClimb

2. Animated WW2 Weapons #1


- GPMG - General-Purpose Machine Gun

- Pistol-P8 - Semi-Automatic Pistol

- AT Missile - Anti-Tank Missile

- BA98 Rifle - Bolt-Action Rifle

- Submachinegun40 - Submachinegun

- Tgun A1 - Submachinegun

3. Animated WW2 Weapons #2


- Silenced Bolt Action Pistol

- British Submachine Gun

- Soviet Submachine Gun

- Silenced Carbine Rifle

- Semi-Automatic Rifle

- Scoped Semi-Automatic Rifle

• Animations:

- Select

- Idle

- Move

- Start Fire

- Automatic Fire (or single 'Fire' animation depending on the weapon model)

- End Fire

- Reload

- Empty Reload (if empty)

- Zoom To (Zoom Mode/Iron Sight)

- Zoom Idle

- Zoom Move

- Zoom Start Fire - Zoom Automatic Fire (or single 'Fire' animation depending on the weapon model)

- Zoom End Fire

- Zoom From

- Putaway

- Run

- Melee Attack

- Dryfire (if empty)

• Files format:

- FBX for models and animations

- TGA for textures

- WAV for sound effects

- Additional, static weapon models without hands/arms that can be attached to the characters