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Procedural Worlds

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This entry is from Wednesday October 2, 2024. The price of the asset may have changed since then.
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Welcome to Ambient Sounds

Purchase Ambient Sounds to create an Interactive Soundscapes system for your game.

​​​​​​​Ambient Sounds is an easy-to-use sound system that organizes your tracks and effects into Sequences to create dynamic soundscapes for your game. The Event and modifier system allows you to control which sounds are being played in your ambient audio without writing a line of code.

You can keep an overview of your game audio through a Monitor window that shows debug information about which sounds are being played and why in real-time. Ambient Sounds also comes with a library of professionally composed and produced music and sound effects to get you up and running. Stop fiddling with dozens of individual audio scripts in your scene and take back control with Ambient Sounds!

Ambient Sounds allow you to:

  • Organize your audio clips into Sequences with combined playback settings
  • Play Sequences either globally or locally in a certain area of your game world
  • Pair multiple Sequences of background noises and music to create a unique soundscape for each location in your game
  • Blend seamlessly between soundscapes in different regions
  • Make Sequences interactive by controlling them through Requirements
  • Modify Sequences on the fly to react to Events in your game
  • Synchronize Playback between Sequences to make them start and end at the same time even if they are different in duration
  • Keep control over your Ambient Audio setup with comprehensive lists of all Sequences and conditions in your scene in the Ambient Sounds Manager Window.

Example use cases:

  • Create a forest soundscape that plays back different music and sounds (birds, frogs, branches breaking, wind rustling) depending on the time of day and/or weather;
  • Play sounds coming from random places around the player or a certain location;
  • Play more and more intense wind as the player scales up a mountain;
  • Change the music to a combat theme as the player gets attacked;
  • Slowly blend to a dark and moody soundtrack when the player enters a cave;
  • Make a sequence more and more intense by adding additional sequences that playback more music/sounds;
  • Play music faster as the game enters the final seconds before the time limit ends;
  • Automatically duck / mute music playback while dialogue audio plays;
  • Stop music playback as the player enters a building and resume as they leave again;
  • Play sounds around the player that follows the player’s movement as they weave a magical spell;
  • Quickly re-use the Ambient Audio Areas in different places of your game or in other projects.

Supported Unity versions

Unity 2017 and above.

Need help or want to know more?




About Procedural Worlds:

At Procedural Worlds, our mission is to empower people to create, automate and navigate worlds. Our products are easy to use, nicely integrated and well-supported.

We service indies, professionals and enterprises with our tools, and deliver custom projects for studios, enterprises and government. Our special power is that we have both a deep procedural technology stack, and an amazing team of experts, and we leverage this unique combination to create applications, games, sims, mapping and MMO / metaverse experiences at a fraction of the typical time and cost. Check out our gallery, and then contact us.

We are a Unity Partner, Intel Partner, and have been a top asset store publisher since we first launched Gaia in 2015. Our reviews over this time speak for themselves.

Our Products:


World Building Bundle - 2021 Edition - Get another 20% off our most popular tools with this awesome bundle. It includes Gaia Pro 2021, Gena Pro, Ambient Sounds, Pegasus and SECTR 2019.


Gaia Pro 2021 - Gaia 2 is an introductory version of Gaia Pro. Gaia 2 expands on the original Gaia 1 with multi-terrain and biome support.

GeNa Pro - GeNa Pro is the big brother of GeNa 2. It is a complete rewrite and includes all of the capabilities of GeNa 2 plus the ability to create splines, rivers, roads and villages and to shape and fill your terrain with rocks, trees grasses and more.

SECTR Complete 2019 - A suite of performance-enhancing tools that enable open-world streaming, and massive mobile games and includes the latest techniques in audio occlusion and propagation.

Ambient Sounds - A tool that creates interactive soundscapes that also comes with professionally composed sound effects and music library.

Pegasus - A system that can drive anything along a path. Great for cut-scenes, and even has an ambient ai that supports formations, animation and local avoidance for your NPCs and animals!

Stamp Packs

As the inventor of the stamp concept, and obsessive landscape creators, we know a thing or two about stamps. Check out our Stamp Packs for a range of landscapes that work with Unity, our tools, and any other tool that supports the stamp concept.

Game Ready Levels

If you have our tools and would like some optimised levels to build your game around, or learn from then check out our Game Ready Levels.

Micro Biomes

Micro Biomes are small biomes that are designed to be mixed and matched to create more interesting environments with Gaia Pro 2021 and GeNa Pro.

Procedural Spawner Packs

We take some of the best modular assets in the store and make it easy for you to use them in your scene with Gaia Pro and GeNa Pro and our Procedural Spawner Packs. Bring your artistic vision to life and procedurally create in minutes what would take weeks or months by hand!

Upgrade Policy:

Every year as we further develop our products we may charge an upgrade fee of 20-50% of the full purchase price for the next major release of our software. Our updates are done in sync with the yearly Unity release cycle i.e. 2020, 2021, 2022 etc.

You are not obliged to upgrade to newer versions of our products and your product will continue to work on the Unity release it was targeted at, however, old versions of our products will not be supported on new versions of Unity.

Upgrades support the team so that we can continue to support our products and you.