Alerts & Notifications Toolkit Pro Bundle is a powerful and versatile solution for creating platform-specific alerts, notifications, and popup windows in your Unity games. With a user-friendly Fluent API, you can easily customize and display alerts tailored to Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, and WebGL platforms. Say goodbye to generic UI elements and embrace platform-native user experiences.
WebGL Demo - Alerts & Notifications Toolkit
WebGL Demo - Alerts Toolkit Pro
This Bundle Includes:
Alerts & Notifications Toolkit
Document Included in Package
Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebGL
Alerts Included:
Message Alerts
Notification Alerts
Success Alerts
Three Button Confirmation Alerts
Rating Alerts
Auto Close Alerts
Alerts Type:
Alerts Mode:
Dark Mode
Light Mode
Key Features:
Fluent API: SweetAlert Pro Kit offers a convenient Fluent API, allowing you to create alerts and notifications with ease.
In-Game Platform-Specific Alerts: Say goodbye to generic alerts. SweetAlert Pro Kit enables you to display platform-specific native alerts within your game for Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, and WebGL.
In-Game Platform-Specific Notifications: Engage your players with platform-specific notifications that enhance the user experience.
In-Game Platform-Specific Ratings: Say goodbye to generic rating alerts. Alerts Toolkit Pro enables you to display platform-specific rating alerts within your game for Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, and WebGL.
Dark Mode & Light Mode: Seamlessly switch between dark and light modes to match your game's aesthetics and user preferences.
Information, Warning, and Error Panels: Create visually distinct information, warning, and error panels to convey critical messages effectively.
Customizable Prefabs: Build your own prefabs using the included Editor Window, allowing you to integrate SweetAlert seamlessly into your game's UI.