#AssetStore #unity #unity3d #new #asset #gamedev #indiedev #GameContentShopper


IMarin Labs

Please Note

This entry is from Thursday January 9, 2025. The price of the asset may have changed since then.
Please visit our homepage for recent offers and sales. Official and private Unity Asset Store™ sales usually last about 14 days.


This pack contains 90 sound effects for a 2D Shooter game with a lot of different sounds to use to your game.

Specifically this pack contains

-7 different SFX for alien weapons shooting.

-7 different SFX for laser weapon shooting.

-6 different SFX for pistol shooting.

-6 different SFX for explosions

-5 different SFX for shotgun shooting.

-4 different SFX for sniper shooting.

-2 different SFX for rocket launcher shooting.

-2 different SFX for heavy pistol shooting.

-2 different SFX for machine destroyed/shutdown.

-1 SFX for a silent pistol shooting.

-1 SFX for a continuous weapon shooting.

-7 different SFX for button click.

-7 different SFX for coin pick up.

-3 different SFX for health pickup.

-2 different SFX for health regen.

-2 different SFX for item pickup.

-7 different SFX for player hurt/hit/damaged.

-3 different SFX for player teleporting.

-2 different SFX for player teleported.

-14 SFX that you can use however you want to (check the video preview of this pack for more details for those 14 SFX).

Pack preview: Click here

Contact email: giann.marinakis@gmail.com