This entry is from Tuesday November 21, 2023. The price of the asset may have changed since then. Please visit our homepage for recent offers and sales. Official and private Unity Asset Store™ sales usually last about 14 days.
Currently on 50% SALE!!!
The models are between 6-366 polygons and come in FBX format.
The package comes with 256x256, 512x512 and 1024x1024 PBR textures (albedo/alpha, metalness/smoothness, normal) in TIFF format.
All items have LODs (Level of Detail).
You also get 2D icons for all the items sized at 500x500p and in PNG format.
There are also prefabs for all the different texture resolutions and LODs to make life easier for you.
This asset is detailed and optimized so it's perfect for mobile, desktop and even VR!
Items (Polygons:)
Barbecue sauce (176P)
Beans (120P)
Beef jerky (82P)
Beer (240P)
Candies (62P)
Cat food (155P)
Cereal (6P)
Chicken (160P)
Chocolate (P118)
Cocoa powder (126P)
Cookies (126P)
Cough Drops (90P)
Crackers (30P)
Dog food (96P)
Donut (120P)
Emergency rations (112P)
Empty beer (156P)
Empty can (156P)
Empty candies (88P)
Empty soda (216P)
Empty water bottle (168P)
Energy bar (118P)
Food supply (246P)
Food supply - Brownie (94P)
Food supply - Chili (94P)
Food supply - Cornbread (94P)
Food supply - Gumbo (94P)
Food supply - Lasagne (94P)
Food supply - Meatloaf (94P)
Food supply - Pork pie (94P)
Food supply - Stroganoff (94P)
Granola bar (118P)
Honey (131P)
Jam (96P)
Juice box - Apple (18P)
Juice box - Orange (18P)
Luncheon meat (137P)
Meatballs (163P)
Milk powder (120P)
MRE (104P)
Peanut butter (132P)
Pineapple (163P)
Plastic wrapper (146P)
Pot noodles (70P)
Sardines (121P)
Soda (360P)
Sports drink (192P)
Tomato soup (30P)
Tuna (203P)
Water bottle (228P)
Water container (351P)
Whiskey (366P)
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