Before using this asset, please make sure to install the following dependencies:
- Input System: Install the new Input System package via Package Manager.
- Cinemachine: Install the Cinemachine package via Package Manager.
The 2D Ultimate Side Scroller Character Controller is designed to streamline the development process for 2D side-scrolling games, allowing developers to focus on their unique game mechanics and aesthetics. Key features include:
- Customizable character movement, including jumping, crouching, dashing, and wall interactions
- Robust state management system for easy addition, modification, or removal of character states
- State-based animation handling using Unity's Animator
- Integration with Unity's Input System and Cinemachine for a seamless, polished experience
- Extensive documentation and GitBook guide for easy setup and customization
- Compatible with moving platforms, slopes, and custom Z rotations
Documentation: https://abdys-organization.gitbook.io/2d-ultimate-side-scroller-character-controller/