#AssetStore #unity #unity3d #new #asset #gamedev #indiedev #GameContentShopper


Roman Ponomarenko

Please Note

This entry is from Thursday May 25, 2023. The price of the asset may have changed since then.
Please visit our homepage for recent offers and sales. Official and private Unity Asset Store™ sales usually last about 14 days.


Due to Unity's new pricing and fees policy, I have suspended work on the asset. The asset is now free. Unfortunately, the asset was not released from early access and has some bugs and shortcomings.

There are 3 tools available in MBS v0.2: Wall Builder, Floor Builder, and Decorator tool. Other 3 tools are still in development (not available yet): Roof Builder, Stairs Builder, and Mesh Combiner.

Using the Wall and Floor builder tools, you can easily create the building structure or mockup your level. With the Decorator tool, you can quickly fill your building or level with decorative and interactive elements.

With MBS you can use custom modular parts (buy, download, or create them). For the Decorator tool you can use almost any prefab, for Wall and Floor Builder tools you may need to make minor adjustments such as centering pivot point and few others.

Have some question, problem, or want to support me?

Let me know: roman.indiedev@gmail.com